Digital ecosystem

Integrated Ecosystem of Services

Digital ecosystem

Build an ecosystem of value-added services (VAS) to complement the traditional product offer, without the need for replacing your existing digital banking solution. New services can be built from scratch or integrated based on already available cloud solutions, all while preserving your corporate identity and enabling smooth integration with existing features. This in turn allows you to delight your clients by offering full set of features in a truly omnichannel superapp.

What is the purpose of the services ecosystem?

VAS ecosystem

VAS are designed to enhance the overall customer experience, provide additional convenience, and offer solutions that go beyond basic banking functions. These services can help you differentiate digital banking platforms, attract and retain customers, and provide new revenue streams for your bank.

  • ERP system
  • Insurance services
  • e-Invoices
  • e-Commerce
  • Fintechs solutions
  • Healthcare services

With Comarch Open Platform, you can easily integrate services adjacent to your existing digital banking platform with two types of toolsets:

  • No-code – including visual editors that allow you to edit forms and screens for easier embedding of new functionalities
  • Pro-code – covering all aspects required to get your team to develop new microservices and micro frontends, starting with learning materials, video tutorials and SDKs including libraries, templates and archetypes for quick onboarding 
code ecosystem

Integration Ecosystem – what’s inside?

  • Ability to integrate with existing digital banking services
  • Seamless single sign-on capabilities
  • Design system with ready-made UI components
  • Adjustment to corporate branding
  • Quick time to market for new features
  • Embedded connector for leading analytics packages
  • No-code and pro-code toolsets
  • Full SDK for development of microservices and micro frontends
  • Broad set of learning resources, including video tutorials and tasks
  • Integration hub for improved connectivity with third parties
  • Support for multiple automated testing frameworks
  • Reference CI/CD processes for easy development management

Ecosystem features

What you gain from the ecosystem?

  • Enhanced customer experience
  • Personalization
  • Cross selling / up selling
  • New revenue streams
  • Rapid product development
  • Operational efficiency
  • Customer retention
  • Customer loyalty
  • Data-driven insights
  • Competitive differentiation
  • Long-term value creation

What your department gains?

  • Sales & Marketing
    • Quick launch of new offerings
    • Boost in online revenue
    • Enhanced quality of connections
    • Standardization
    • Greater autonomy
    • Increased brand recognition and reputation
  • Risk management
    • Early warning system
    • Behavioral analytics
    • Compliance support
  • Operations
    • Time & cost savings
    • Automation of processes
    • Reduced operational silos
  • Technology
    • Modularity and reusability
    • Microservices
    • Flexibility and customization
    • Higher pace
    • Scalability
    • Vendor independence
    • Innovation
  • Senior Management
    • Data-driven decision making
    • Revenue diversification
    • Increased income
    • Talent attraction